shareholders services

Shareholders and Investors Affairs

1. About Shareholder’s and Investors Affairs Section:

The company merged the Investors Affairs Department into the Shareholders Affairs Department and the current organizational structure was amended in order to determine administrative subordination, draw control and supervisory lines, and submit reports, in accordance with the instructions issued by regulatory authorities. The Board of Directors approved the policies and procedures of the department in its capacity as responsible for providing the necessary data, information and reports to shareholders and current and potential investors, in a timely and accurate manner through recognized means of disclosure, including the Company's website. This is in order to provide services in line with the instructions issued by the regulatory authorities, especially the commitment to provide clear, transparent and balanced disclosures of material information to investors in a timely and effective manner. The aim to ensure fairness that current and potential investors, shareholders, and analysts in the company's shares have easy access to this information

2. Disclosure of Material information

The shareholders and investor affairs section is committed to all requirements, including the disclosure of material information transparently and in a precise form and time, in accordance with the disclosure and transparency rules issued by the Capital Markets Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange (Boursa Kuwait). The Shareholders and Investors Affairs Section ensures that disclosures of material information are published in both Arabic and English and are available on the company's website.

3. Disclosure Mechanism

To ensure fair disclosure to shareholders and investors, material information is disclosed by applying the disclosure rules issued by the Capital Markets Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange (Boursa Kuwait). These disclosures are posted on the company's website.

As for the non-material information, it is published in the newspapers, after disclosure to the regulatory authorities, including but not limited to those that follow the meetings of the Board of Directors, the interim and annual financial results, and other material information. The information is also published on the company's website. The company reserves the right not to respond to inquiries related to information related to competitiveness, which falls within the framework of internal information, except within the framework permitted in accordance with the instructions of the Capital Markets and Exchange Authority with regard to material or influential information that the company must protect.

4. Spokesperson and Executive Management Access

The section head of the Shareholders and Investors Affairs plays his role as an official spokesperson during the Analysts and Investors quarterly conference, and he is responsible for coordination and follow-up to ensure proper reception and transfer of all shareholders and investors inquiries to the Shareholders and Investors Affairs Section. Aiming to provide them with information within the framework of what is permitted to be disclosed and to ensure that they communicate, if they request, with each of the following:

  • Chairman of Board of Directors
  • Chief executive officer
  • Head of Shareholders and Investors Affairs Section

The members of the executive management of the company provide the necessary support with the appropriate accuracy and time to the above-mentioned individuals when needed.

5. Interviews with Analysts and Investors:

The company welcomes requests from analysts and investors to hold meetings with the Shareholders and Investors Affairs Section, with the aim of helping them gain broader knowledge and understanding of the company's business and operations. Discussions at such meetings are based on publicly available information. All requests shall be directed to the Head of the Shareholders and Investors Affairs Section. Given that the primary responsibility of the senior management is to manage the daily business of the company, it may sometimes not be able to meet all the requests, and in this case meetings shall be held with the head of the shareholders and investors affairs section whenever possible during the usual working hours of the company.

6. Analysts/Investors Conference

The Shareholders and Investors Affairs Section holds a quarterly conference for analysts/investors within five days after the disclosure of the interim or annual financial statements. The disclosure of the financial statements includes the date of this conference, attendance procedures regarding the analyst conference, and its presentation. The minutes of the analysts' conference shall be disclosed in both Arabic and English within three days from the date of its convening.

7. Contact:

If you have any inquiries, please contact the Commercial Real Estate Company’s Shareholders and Investors Affairs Section:


Contact numbers: +965 22902900. EXT: 933

8. Contact Policy for Shareholder & Investors

Transparency in Al-Tijaria is a de facto, effective and definite in order to protect shareholders and investors rights. The principle of transparency is applied in a serious and continuous manner. In order to implement this principle, the management works to communicate with the shareholders by various means available and on a continuous basis as follows:

Follow up on the delivery of ordinary and extraordinary General Assembly invitations and documents, ensure that cash dividends are delivered by the casual means, invite shareholders and encourage them to exercise their rights through communication and follow-up or by any other means available.

Open Door Policy to receive any suggestions, comments, and complaints aimed at urging shareholders/investors and stakeholders to contribute to the management of the company, as announced continuously in the letters of the Chairman during the general assembly meetings.

Send periodicals and invitations to participate and / or review the activities and events held by the company.

Provide data, announcements and information on the company's official website.

9. Shareholder Voting Rights:

  • Each shareholder shall have a number of votes equal to the number of shares. Decisions shall be issued by an absolute majority of the represented shares. The Company shall ensure that all shareholders exercise the right to vote without putting any obstacles leading to the ban of voting by:
  • All shareholders shall enjoy the same voting rights granted to them and the same treatment by the Company, regardless of their ownership interests.
  • Shareholders shall have the right to vote in person or by proxy, with the same rights and duties as the shareholders in both cases.
  • Inform shareholders of all rules governing voting procedures before the Assembly begins.
  • Provide all voting information to all existing shareholders and prospective investors, while ensuring that such information is provided on an ongoing basis and to all categories of shareholders.
  • To vote for the selection of the members of the Council in the General Assemblies through the mechanisms stipulated in the Articles of Association of the Company and within the framework stipulated in the Companies Law and its Executive Regulations.
  • Provide an overview of the candidates for membership of the Board before the voting, giving a clear idea of the professional and technical skills of the candidate and their experience and qualifications.
  • No fees are charged for the attendance of any class of shareholders for General Assembly Meetings and no preferential advantage is given to any category of shareholders against another.
  • Any registered shareholder/Investor of the company shall have the right to attend the meeting of the General Assembly by person or by proxy and shall be present at the meeting of the General Assembly on the basis of the certificates of ownership issued by the CMA. The holders of bonds and warrants shall also be entitled to attend the General Assembly in person or by proxy with no right of voting on its decisions.
  • The shareholder/investor may appoint another person to attend under a special power of attorney or a written authorization prepared by the company for this purpose stamped by the Company's seal in accordance with the procedures and according to the laws and regulations in Kuwait. The power of attorney may be for one or more of the General Assembly meetings and valid to attend the meeting postponed due to the lack of quorum.
  • The agent shall use the proxy vote on behalf of the concerned shareholder in the General Assembly Meetings. The procuration shall be in writing, signed, dated and legally certified to be valid for purpose.
  • The proxy voting mandate shall determine the person authorized to represent the shareholder in his or her absence. The BOD or election observers shall verify the authenticity of the voting procedures by person and proxy before the General Assembly. The observers shall be present throughout the election period for counting votes and announcing the final results.