Material Information Disclosure regarding the Zakat Calculation for the shares of The Commercial Real Estate Company
Material Information Disclosure regarding the Capital Markets Authority's approval to increase capital by distributing bonus shares
[Supplementary Disclosure] Transcript of the Analysts Conference
CMA approval to deal in treasury shares
2024 Annual Analyst/Investor Conference Presentation
The Commercial Real Estate Company (K.P.S.C) Analyst / Investor Conference Presentation for YE2024
[Supplementary Disclosure] Board of Directors Meeting Results
Board of Directors Meeting on 17/3/2025
Material Information Disclosure Regarding Awarding an investment opportunity to one of the subsidiaries of The Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure regarding an unusual trades on the shares of The Commercial Real Estate Company (K.P.S.C)
Material Information Disclosure Regarding the qualification of The Commercial Real Estate Company to enter the tender regarding the Mubarakiya Market Development Project
Material Information Disclosure Regarding One of the subsidiaries receives approval of the Municipal Council regarding the development of Salmiya Boulevard Park
Material Information Disclosure regarding signing the renewal credit facilities contract for The Commercial Real Estate Company
Material Information Disclosure regarding signing the renewal credit facilities contract for The Commercial Real Estate Company
Supplementary Disclosure regarding the Cyber Attack of the Electronic Network
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
[Supplementary Disclosure] Transcript of the Analysts Conference
Analyst / Investor Conference Presentation for Q3 of FY2024
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
(Supplementary Disclosure) Board of Directors Meeting Results
Material Information Disclosure Regarding the entry of The Commercial Real Estate Company into an investment partnership
Board of Directors Meeting on 12/11/2024
Material Information Disclosure Regarding Signing the Credit Facilities Contract for One of the Subsidiaries
[Supplementary Disclosure] Supplementary Disclosure Regarding Minutes of Meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting
[Supplementary Disclosure] General Assembly Results
CMA approval to deal in treasury shares
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Material Information Disclosure Regarding Signing the Annual Renewal Credit Facilities Contract
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Material Information Disclosure regarding the Resignation of a Board Member
[Supplementary Disclosure] Supplementary Disclosure regarding the Resignation of a Board Member
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Analyst / Investor Conference Presentation for Q2 of 2024
Material Information Disclosure Regarding Signing the Credit Facilities Contract for One of the Subsidiaries
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Material Information Disclosure Regarding Signing the Credit Facilities Contract
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Material Information Disclosure of Signing the Annual Renewal Credit Facilities Contract
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transactions of insiders in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Analyst / Investor Conference Presentation for Q1 of FY2024
Disclosure regarding the Minutes of Meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for YE 31/12/2023
Supplementary Disclosure regarding the Cyber Attack of the Electronic Network
CMA approval to deal in treasury shares
Disclosure of the Zakat Calculation for the shares of The Commercial Real Estate Company (K.P.S.C)
Disclosure of Signing the Annual Renewal Credit Facilities Contract
Transcript of the Analysts Conference YE 2023
Analyst / Investor Conference Presentation for YE2023
Board of Directors Meeting on 18/3/2024
Disclosure of the Resignation of the Facilities Management Department Manager in The Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure regarding an unusual trades on the shares of The Commercial Real Estate Company (K.P.S.C)
Disclosure of the Resignation of the Deputy C.E.O Property Affairs Group
Material Information Disclosure of the Assignment of the Group Human Resources Manager in The Commercial Real Estate Company (K.P.S.C)
Material Information Disclosure of the Resignation of the Group Human Resources Manager in The Commercial Real Estate Company (K.P.S.C)
Disclosure regarding an unusual trades on the shares of The Commercial Real Estate Company (K.P.S.C)
Material Information Disclosure Resignation of the Deputy C.E.O of the Property Affairs Support Group in The Commercial Real Estate Company (K.P.S.C)
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
The Commercial Real Estate Company's Transcript of the Analyst/Investor Conference for Q3-2023
The Commercial Real Estate Company's Presentation of the Analyst/Investor Conference Q3- 2023
Disclosure of the results of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 13/11/2023
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors for the Commercial Real Estate Company
Supplementary Disclosure regarding the Cyber Attack of the Electronic Network
Disclosure regarding Capital Markets Authority's approval to buy or sell 10% of treasury shares
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure to announce The Commercial Real Estate Company joint venture with Investors
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure of Sustainability Report of the Commercial Real Estate Company for FY 2021 - 2022
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Analyst Conference Minutes of the Meeting
Disclosure of signing the renewal of credit facilities contract for the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 14/08/2023
The Commercial Real Estate Company's Presentation of the Analyst/Investor Conference Q2- 2023
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 08/14/2023
Clarification on Unusual trading activity on The Commercial Real Estate Company Shares
Disclosure of Material Information: Modification of Job Title
Disclosure of Material Information: Modification of Job Title
Disclosure of Appointment of Deputy CEO - Properties Group
Disclosure of signing the renewal of credit facilities contract for the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure of signing the renewal of credit facilities contract for the Commercial Real Estate Company
The Commercial Real Estate Company Analyst Conference Transcript Minutes of Meeting Q1 - 2023
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Presentation for The Commercial Real Estate Company Annual Analyst/Investor Conference Q1- 2023
Disclosure of the results of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 14/05/2023
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors for the Commercial Real Estate Company 14/05/2023
Disclosure of Minutes of Meeting for the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting for The Commercial Real Estate Company
Confirmation of the schedule of shares entitlement for the shareholders of the Commercial Real Estate Company for YE 31/12/2022
Disclosure of the modification of the date of confirmation of the share entitlement schedule for the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the ordinary general assembly meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 11-04-2023
Disclosure of the Capital Market Authority's approval to renew the right to deal with treasury shares in the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure for the singing of the annual renewal contract for the credit facilities of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the zakat account for the share of the commercial real estate company
Disclosure of the signing of the credit facilities contract for The Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure on the date of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure of the minutes of the annual conference of analysts / investors of the commercial real estate company for the year 2022
Presentation for The Commercial Real Estate Company Annual Analyst/Ivestor Conference 2022
Disclosure of the results of the meeting on the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors for the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of information - Promotion of the commercial real estate company from the main market to the Premier market on the Kuwait Stock Exchange
Appointment of the Director of Information Technology Department in the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Canceling the assignment of the Director of the Finance and Strategic Planning Department to carry out the duties of Property Group
Disclosure of the signing of the annual renewal contract for the credit facilities of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 14/11/2022
Disclosure regarding the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 14/11/2022
Appointment of Vice Executive President of the Property Management Department in the Commercial Real Estate Company
Appointment of the Director of Human Resources and Administrative Affairs in the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure regarding signing of the annual renewal contract of credit facilities
Disclosure regarding the approval of the Capital Markets Authority to renew the right to trade in treasury stocks in the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the HR & Admin. Affairs Dept. Manager termination in the Commercial Real Estate Company.
Disclosure of the authority of the Finance and Strategic Planning Dept. Manager , to manage acting property MGMT Dept. manager in the Commercial Real Estate Company .
Disclosure of the resignation of the Deputy Manager of the Property managment Dept. of the Commerical Real Estate company.
Disclosure of the results of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 08/08/2022
Disclosure of the Board meeting of the commercial Real Estate Company on 08/08/2022
The Commercial Real Estate Company announces participation in new development project in Dubai
Disclosure of the promotion of the Internal Audit Dept. Manager to the position of Acting General Manager and Owner representative - Symphony Style Hotel Kuwait
Disclosure of the promotion of the Internal Audit department assistant manager to the position of internal audit department manager in the commercial real estate company.
Disclosure of land Registration in Kingdom of Bahrain
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
The commercial Real estate company discloses on the sustainability report for the year of 2020
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure of the results of the board meeting of the commercial real estate company held in 2022-05-15
Disclosure of the Board meeting of the commerical Real Estate Company in 15-05-2022
Disclosure of the promotion of the section head of the strategic planning department to finance and strategic planning department manager in the commercial real estate company
Disclosure of termination the IT manager at the commercial real estate company
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure of the approval of the Gentlemen/CMA to buy or sell 10% of the shares of the commercial real estate company - Treasury shares
Disclosure of the confirmation of the schedule of equity maturities for the shareholders of the commercial real estate company.
Disclosure of the results of the AGM meeting of the Real Estate Trading Company on April 11, 2022
Disclosure of signing a market maker agreement with KFH Capital Investment Company
Disclosure of the AGM meeting Date of the Commercial real estate company on April 11, 2022
Disclosure of signing a market maker agreement with Al Tharwa Investment Company
Disclosure of the results of the board meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 14/03/2022
Disclosure of the Board meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 14/03/2022
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure of increased credit facilities with a local bank
Disclosure of material information Increasing credit facilities with a local bank
Disclosure of increased credit facilities with a local bank
Disclosure of the results of the board meeting of the Real Estate Trading Company on 10 November 2021
Disclosure of the board meeting of the Real Estate Trading Company on 10 November 2021
Disclosure of the commercial real estate company investment in the development of the First Residences 501 project in the United States of America
Unusual trading disclosure on the real estate trading company's shares in 2021-10-19
Disclosure of the approval of The CMA to buy or sell 10% of the real estate trading company's shares - Treasury shares
Disclosure of unusual trading on the real estate trading company's shares on 07/10/2021
Disclosure of the results of the Commercial Real Estate Company Board of Directors meeting on 12/08/2021.
Disclosure about the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 12/08/2021
Disclosure of the resignation of the Director of the Finance and Strategic Planning Department at the Commercial Real Estate Company
Supplementary disclosure regarding a cyber breach of the electronic messaging network
Disclosure of essential information regarding contracts for the initial sale of vacant lands - private housing in the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of material information regarding a cyber breach of the company’s electronic correspondence network
Disclosure of unusual trading on the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the appointment of the Executive Vice President of the Administrative and Legal Affairs Group at the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the Board of Directors meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of signing an agreement to increase the limits of credit facilities with a local bank
Disclosure of confirmation of the stock entitlements schedule for the shareholders of the commercial real estate company
Disclosure of the approval of the Capital Markets Authority to renew the right to buy or sell shares of the company - the treasury
Disclosure of the formation of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the date of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 16/03/2021
The disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 16/03/2021
Disclosure of the promotion of the CEO of Technical Affairs & Properties group
Disclosure of material information Promotion of Assistant CEO of Technical Affairs Group
The disclosure of the unusual trading in the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 02-08-2021
Disclosure of material information - resignation of the senior risk auditor - Risk & Compliance and control Unit
Disclosure of unusual trading in the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 12/09/2020
تعامل شخص مطلع على اسهم الشركة التجارية العقارية
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 11/11/2020
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 11/11/2020
Disclosure of the approval of the Capital Markets Authority to renew the right to buy or sell shares of the commercial real estate company (treasury shares)
A clarification regarding the unusual trading in the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 13-09-2020
A clarification regarding the unusual trading in the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 26-08-2020
Disclosure of the results of the financial statements for the first quarter ended on 3/31/2020
Disclosure of the results of the financial statements for the second quarter ended on 30/6/2020
The disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 11/08/2020
Disclosure of the schedule of share dividends to shareholders of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of confirmation of the schedule of share dividends to shareholders of the Commercial Real Estate Company
The disclosure of the postponement of the confirmation of the schedule of share dividends to the shareholders of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the extraordinary general meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company
The disclosure of the postponement of the confirmation of the timetable for share dividends of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the date of the extraordinary general assembly meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the ordinary and extraordinary general assembly meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the approval of the / Capital Markets Authority to renew the right to buy or sell the company's shares
Disclosure of the date for the ordinary and extraordinary general assembly of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 03-05-2020
Disclosure of essential information, the impact of the Corona virus on revenue for the hotel sector in the parent company and its subsidiaries
Disclosure of material information about the closure of shopping malls
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 10-03-2020
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 10-03-2020
Disclosure of unusual trading in the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 28-01-2020
ايضاح بشأن التداول غير الاعتيادي على سهم الشركة التجارية العقارية بتاريخ 16-01-2020
ايضاح بشأن التداول غير الاعتيادي على سهم الشركة التجارية العقارية بتاريخ 16-01-2020
Disclosure of the resignation of Mr. / Strategic Planning & Investment Dept. Manager
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of The Commercial Real Estate Company held on 12-11-2019
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Commercial Real Estate Company on 12/11/2019
Disclosure of Approval to Renew the Right to Buy or Sell 10% of the Treasury Shares of Commercial Real Estate Company
ايضاح بشأن التداول غير الاعتيادي على سهم الشركة التجارية العقارية بتاريخ 25-09-2019
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Commercial Real Estate Company held on 6-8-2019
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 6-8-2019
Unusual Trading of Al Tijaria Real Estate Shares on 29-7-2019
Unusual Trading of Al Tijaria Real Estate Shares
Disclosure of final settlement with the Zakat and Income Tax Department to link capital gains tax in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Disclosure of the treatment of a person familiar with the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the treatment of a person familiar with the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the Board of Directors meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 14/05/2019
Disclosure of the Board of Directors meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 14/05/2019
Disclosure of material information on renewal and increase of credit facilities of Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the unusual trading on the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 7-05-2019
Disclosure of approval to renew the right to buy or sell treasury shares
Disclosure of the confirmation of the stock benefit schedule
Disclosure of the results of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the AGM of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the Ordinary General Meeting of Commercial Real Estate Company for the financial year ended 31/12/2018
Disclosure of the material information of the Commercial real estate company
Disclosure of the results of the Board of Directors meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 05/03/2019
Disclosure of the treatment of a person familiar with the shares of real estate trading company
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the Board of Directors meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure on the unusual trading on the shares of the Commercial real estate company
Disclosure of the extraordinary trading on the shares of the Commercial real estate trading company
Disclosure of entering with an investment in Houston state
Disclosure of the approval of the Capital Market Authority to buy or sell 10% of treasury shares
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the Board of Directors meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Unusual trading on The Commercial Real Estate Co shares on 1-11-2018
Disclosure of increasing ownership of the Commercial real estate company in one of its subsidiaries
Disclosure of the extraordinary trading on the shares of the Commercial real estate trading company
Disclosure of entering with real estate investment in New Jersey
Disclosure of the extraordinary trading on the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the extraordinary trading on the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the results of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Disclosure of Unusual Trading of The Commercial Real Estate Company Shares on 17-07-2018
Disclosure of the extraordinary trading on the shares of the Commercial Real Estate Company
Completion of transaction of buying new shares of the company
Approval on the renewal of the right to buy or sell shares of the company
Disclosure of the approval of the Capital Markets Authority on the sale and purchase of 10% of treasury shares
Disclose the unusual trading on the shares of the Commercial real estate company
Disclosure of the results of the Board of Directors meeting of the Commercial Real Estate Company on 05/03/2019
Disclosure regarding transaction of an insider in Altijaria
Shareholders who own 5% and more in Al Tijaria real estate trading company
Shareholders who own 5% and more in Al Tijaria real estate trading company
Disclosures in the Commercial Real Estate Company Kuwait Stock Exchange and Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period 2016/12/31: 2016/10/1
Other disclosures announced to the Capital Markets Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period 2016/12/31 - 2016/10/1
Disclosures in the Commercial Real Estate Company For the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period (2016/9/30: 2016/7/1)
Disclosures in the Commercial Real Estate Company For the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period (2016/9/30: 2016/7/1)
Other Disclosures Issued to the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange For the period (2016/9/30: 2016/7/1
Disclosures of shareholders who own 5% or more in Al Tijaria real estate company For the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period (2016/6/30: 2016/4/1)
Disclosures in the Commercial Real Estate Company For the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period (2016/6/30: 2016/4/1
Other disclosures announced to the Capital Markets Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange For the period (2016/6/30: 2016/4/1)
Disclosures in the Commercial Real Estate Company For the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period (2016/03/31: 2016/01/01
Disclosures of shareholders who own 5% or more in the real estate company For the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period (2016/03/31: 2016/01/01)
Other Disclosures Issued to the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange For the period (2016/3/31: 2016/1/1)
Disclosures of condensed consolidated financial statements (unaudited) with the audit report for the nine months ended 30 September 2015
Disclosures in the Commercial Real Estate Company For the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period (2015/12/31: 2015/10/01)
Disclosures of shareholders who own 5% or more in Al Tijaria real estate company For the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period (2015/12/31: 2015/10/1)
Other Disclosures Issued to the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange For the period (2015/12/31: 2015/10/1)
Disclosures in the Commercial Real Estate Company For the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period (2015/09/30 - 2015/07/01)
Disclosures of shareholders who own 5% or more in Al Tijaria real estate company For the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period (9/30/2015 / 2015/7/1)
Other Disclosures Issued to the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange For the period (9/30/2015 / 2015/7/1)
Other Disclosures Issued to the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange For the period (9/30/2015 / 2015/7/1)
Other Disclosures in Kuwait Commercial Real Estate Company and Kuwait Stock Exchange Money for the period 1/4/2015 to 30/6/2015
Other disclosures announced to the Capital Markets Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange For the period (2015/3/31: 2015/1/1)
Disclosures of the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange - 2014
Disclosures of the Capital Market Authority and the Kuwait Stock Exchange for the period 1/1/2014 - 31/3/2014
Consolidated Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report for the year ended 31 December 2013